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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Results of First Appointment

The first appointment went well.  The nurse practitioner was really, really nice. We reviewed my history and what I have done thus far in my journey.  She is pleased that I have already started making changes and have lost some weight.  As of today my BMI is 59.98.  I also had some basic bloods tests drawn (CBC, A1C, TSH, Iron, etc, etc.), a total of 12 tests in all.  Thank goodness it was only 6 tubes!!  The vampire was great, she got me in one poke and I barely felt it!

I need 3 green lights before going on to the next phase, one from the nurse practitioner, one from the dietitian, and one from the psychologist.  She (the nurse practitioner) has given her green light.  I see the dietitian on April 9 and the psychologist on May 12.  So more waiting!  :-(

So she told me that in the meantime, I am to keep doing what I'm doing, and improve what I'm doing, and continue to drop the pounds.  I'm really happy to have this appointment behind me, and I'm glad to have dates for the next 2 appointments.


  1. OMG!! This is such great news for those of us who love you very much! I just started my own journey today, and we can keep track of each other !! Every journey is a roller hang on and ride !!! Patience & Prayers, AB
