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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A minor setback

I know it's been a while since I've written an update.  Things have been really busy with the holidays.  It was a good time, and I did well with my eating...I didn't stuff myself, but I was still able to enjoy myself.  The kids had a great Christmas and to that I am very, very grateful.

About a week ago, I started noticing some red spots on my legs.  They kinda look like bug bites.  Well, the last time this happened, it was pyroderma gangranosm and results in me having to have artificial skin grafts done on a sore on my leg.  It is a side-effect of having Crohn's disease.  So when this started up again, I thought it was that coming back.  After talking to my primary and my GI, we think it is actually a condition called Erythema Nodosum.


What is erythema nodosum?

Erythema nodosum is a type of skin inflammation that is located in a certain portion of the fatty layer of skin. Erythema nodosum (also called EN) results in reddish, painful, tender lumps most commonly located in the front of the legs below the knees. The tender lumps, or nodules, of erythema nodosum range in size from one to five centimeters. The nodular swelling is caused by a inflammation in the fatty layer of skin.
This is another condition that can go along with having Crohn's disease.  So the bottom line is that I have to go on Prednisone.  The last time I was on this drug, I gained a tremendous amount of weight and was extremely moody among other things.  Of course, the last time I was on it, I was on it off and on...actually more on than off....for bout 18 months.  I expressed my dismay to the GI and how I really did not want to go on this drug.  So he is putting me on a bit of a lower dose and he hopes to be able to taper me off pretty quickly.  I just need to be on it long enough to knock out this condition and then I'll be off.  So it will be only temporary.
I admit as soon as I got off the phone with him, I almost burst into tears.  The only reason I didn't was that I was at work at the time.  My next reaction is that I just wanted to punch something I was so angry.  Of course, I did not do that, but that was how I felt at the time.  I eventually settled down and was off work about 1/2 hour later.  I then talked to hubby about it, and he was very reassuring, and just kept reminding me that it was only going to be temporary.  
The main thing is that I don't go into a full-blown Crohn's flare, which can happen.  We sure as hell don't want that.  So I will do what the doc wants me to do, and it will all be ok.
In the meantime, my legs are sore, I won't deny that.  The spots mainly only hurt when they are touched (by both my hands or sometimes by the fabric of my pants), and there is an overlying ache in both my legs.  Hopefully this will all be resolved soon.
I'm trying to stay positive and continue to take things one day at a time.
Thanks again to everyone for all the love and support.  You will never know what it means to me.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

100 pounds picture

Here is me today...100 pounds later.  Oh, and those pants I'm wearing....yeah, they are size 26...down from a size 34!!!!

100 POUNDS!!!!!

YIPPIE!!! HORRAY!!!!!    I DID IT!!!!!!!

That's right!!  As of this morning, I am 100 pounds lighter.  On November 1, 2013 I weighed in at 398 pounds.  Today, I am 298!!!  PRAISE GOD!!!!  I can't begin to describe how happy I am!!!  I feel great!  All the struggle has been worth it!!!  100 pounds gone total (43 since surgery)!!


100 pounds ago I had to use a scooter to get around the store.  I couldn't stand for more than a minute or two at a time without my feet and back killing me.  I couldn't get down on the floor and play with my kids.

Now I can do all that PLUS more!!!  Yesterday we went caroling and visited with 2 of our shut-ins.  I stood the WHOLE time!!!  I can walk over a mile.  I go shopping for hours.  I can walk up and down stairs without being in total agony.  This list goes on and on and on.

I will upload a new photo later today, after I get out of my jammies.

Thank you to all who have supported me and continue to support me.  Thank you GOD for everything you have given me.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 12 update

I made it thorough my first major holiday post surgery, and I survived quite well.  I actually managed to lose 2 pounds this week.  I have 5 more pounds to go to reach 100 gone!!!  I have to admit I am pleased with myself. I didn't stuff myself and I was able to eat a little bit of everything and really enjoy myself.  We then ate up the leftovers in breakfast dishes the next 2 days.  I even managed a cocktail without getting was salted caramel vodka with hot apple cider.  Yummy.

The weekend was relaxing, that's for sure.

Now we are upon Christmas season, the season to remember Jesus being born.  And there is lots of eating and temptations too, but I'm confident I will be just fine.  I even plan on baking cookies for family and friends.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week 11 update

As of yesterday, I am down 36 pounds since surgery and 93 pounds overall.  I am so excited at my progress.  7 more pounds till the first 100 is gone!!

One of the fun parts of this is all my clothes are getting too big.  With shirts, it's no big deal, but my pants are falling off, my underwear is too big, and my bras are too big.  But this is a good problem to have. Thrift stores, here I come!!!!

I hope everyone has a very Blessed Thanksgiving.  I know I have a LOT to be Thankful for.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 10 update

This week I lost 4 pounds, putting me down to 309.  Since surgery that is 32 pounds lost and total lost is 89.  11 pounds to go to that first 100 gone!

We did a room cleaning and closet purge this past weekend.  A lot of my HUGE clothes were donated.  I did save that one token pair of jeans that I'm going to use to show progress.  I'll take some updated pictures over the weekend.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

30 pounds gone since surgery!

This morning I weighed in at 311, which is 30 pounds lighter than my surgery weight.  Total loss so far (since 11/1/13) is 87 pounds.  I'm getting closer and closer to losing that first 100!!

Today I walked 0.89 miles, but I did it at a 20 minute mile.  So a bit of a shorter distance, but at a faster pace.  Of course, it helps when it's only 29 degrees outside!!

Hubby bought me an e-book on how to survive the holidays after bariatric surgery.  I'm going to start reading it tonight on the way home from work.  He is such a sweetheart for getting this for me.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week 9 update

I'm down another 2 pounds this week.  For that I am very pleased.  Yesterday I was looking at old photos to find ones to scan for my wedding anniversary, and I found myself really looking at the sizes I've been over the years.  I don't remember how much I weighed on my wedding day 14 years ago, but I think I was in a size 24 or 26.  I know I'm getting close to that size again, and I look forward to that.  It will be nice to get smaller than that too.

Health wise I'm feeling pretty good.  I'm maintaining my energy level and feeling better for the most part.  So that's a good thing.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week 8 update

For week 8 I am on the move again, losing 3 pounds.  I am now down to 315 and have 17 pounds to go to reach the first goal of 100 pounds lost.  I'm getting antsy because I am getting so close.

I am doing more walking, although I am not walking every day....yet.  Some days are easier to be motivated to walk than others.  I find that I walk better when I have a buddy to walk with, so I will have to work on finding walking buddies.  That is easy to do when I am working in the office, but on the days I am working from home, it's very easy to find reasons (excuses) to skip the walk.  So that is where I really need to work on finding motivation.  Maybe I need to start playing music through my phone and wearing the headphones while I walk.

Last night was the closest I have come yet to getting sick after eating...all because I tend to eat too fast.  That is one thing I REALLY need to work on.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

One year of tracking

Today marks one year of tracking my weight and starting this journey.  On November 1. 2013 I weighed 358 pounds, my highest ever.  Today, 1 year later, I am at 317 pounds.  The total weight loss is 81 pounds.  I feel so much better and I look forward to seeing where I am at this time next year.  I hope to be down at least another 81 pounds if not more.  Hubby is also 15 pounds down from his highest, and I am very happy and proud of him.

A lot has happened in the past year, and lots of it for the better.

Thank you to all that are supporting me, thank you for the prayers, and most important, thank you Heavenly Father for keeping me wrapped in your arms.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 7 update (a few days late)

Well, no change on the scale this week, however, I finally walked over a mile yesterday during lunch.  I went 1.2 miles.  I walked with a friend, which made it a bit easier.  I also walked around a corn maze and pumpkin farm on Saturday.  The energy level is definitely better.  The emotions are getting a bit better too.

October seems to be a stall month for a lot of people.  A lot of people on OH have also written about having stalls this month.  Very, very interesting.  I wonder if the change in weather has something to do with it.  I am determined to work in a walk every day unless the weather is super bad or the sidewalks are impassable.  I know motivation will be lower in the winter, but I really want to keep up the walking.

Halloween is tomorrow and we still have to get treats to pass out.  One thing I know for sure is this year we are not passing out candy.  It will either be fruit snacks, or something not edible.  I guess I better get to the store tonight to get them.

I hope all my readers have a happy and safe Halloween.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Week 6 update

For week 6 I lost 1 pound, but I'm not stressing over it.  I had a non-scale victory this week that I am very happy about.  We went to Brookfield Zoo on Sunday after church for Boo in the Zoo.  We had a good time, and as we were walking back to the van I realized that I still COULD walk to the van.  My feet weren't killing me and I wasn't in massive back pain.  I walked around the zoo for several hours and I didn't need to stop every five minutes to rest, I didn't need to rent a scooter, and I wasn't in massive pain.  Now, were my feet a little sore...sure, but only a little.  This is coming from the person who couldn't go to the store without using a motorized cart.  I'm very pleased with that.

On another note, I'm very much on an emotional roller coaster.  I think it has a lot to do with the changes my body is going through.  So that is something else I need to work through.  I'm grateful for having a husband that is extremely tolerant and supportive...I couldn't do this without him.  And I put myself in God's hands and pray that he will guide me.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Results of appointments

I saw the dietician on Tuesday and my primary doc on Wednesday.

Here are the results of the dietician visit according to their scale:
Body weight loss since surgery: 25 pounds
% total body weight loss: 7%
BMI at initial consult: 59.98
BMI at surgery:  55.66
BMI on Tuesday:  51.66

Severe obesity class III is a BMI greater than 40.
Obesity class II is a BMI between 35 and 39.9.
Obesity class I is a BMI between 30 and 34.9.
Overweight is a BMI between 25 and 29.9.
Normal weight is a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
Under weight is a BMI less than 18.5.

I am now on a regular diet but need to make sure I make my protein goals and my fluid goals.  We also added more vitamins. 

Results of primary doc visit:
I am taking ZERO diabetes meds right now.  I will monitor my sugars and report back to him.  I am going from 3 blood pressure meds to 1.  I will monitor BP and report back.  I am no longer taking my reflux medication.  Right now I have not resumed any crohn's meds and am waiting to hear back from my GI on that.

As of today I have lost a total of 80 pounds since November 1, 2013.  I am feeling better and better every day.

My walking goal is to walk a 5k in March.

I know I have said this before but I will continue to say it.  I thank all of family and friends for all the support, especially my wonderful husband.  Most importantly I thank God for keeping me in his hands and taking care of me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Yippie!! Stall is over!!!

The stall is over!!  For week 5 I've lost 5 pounds.  That's 22 pounds since surgery, and 79 pounds overall!!!  I'm getting so close to that 100 pounds lost mark I can just taste it!!!

I see the nutritionist today.  I should be back on a "normal" diet.  All that means is I'm not restricted to soft foods....I'll still only be able to eat small bits at a time.

I go back to the office today.  I was so afraid I would oversleep, I barely slept at all!!!  I'm looking forward to going back to the office.  I'm really interested in seeing the reactions of my coworkers when they see me.

Life is good!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week 4 - no change

So the stall is going on, and I'm ok with that.  Week 4 has shown no change in my weight.  I thought maybe I had broken the stall cause I was down to 323 a couple of days ago, but the pound came back.  And I'm ok with that.  I know this stall will break, and I know it will go down.   And to be honest with  myself, I have gone off plan as far as food goes over the weekend.  So I am getting back on plan, concentrating on my protein, and going to make sure I get my walks in.  That's my plan!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Current pic

This was taken on Saturday, October 4, at a friend's gathering (yes, that is hubby).  you can't tell too much how much I've lost, but man, when I put on last winter's coat, you sure could tell!!!!  I'll have to get a pic of that soon!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The 3 week stall

I knew it was coming....I've read about it on OH....and now I've hit it....the dreaded 3 week stall!!  I weighed in at 325 on 9/25 and then 324 on 9/28 and the scale hasn't moved since.  I know this is common, but at the same time I feel a bit bummed.  The stall happens because my body is getting used to my new tummy and it's still recovering from the surgery.  But knowing all this doesn't totally help the feelings.

I know I need to stick to plan, keep up with protein and the liquids, and keep on walking.  I've heard that this doesn't last long and I'll start dropping again.  I just hope it's sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

2 weeks out

I write this as I'm struggling a bit to keep my lunch down.  I don't know if I ate too fast or too much or a combination of the two.   I had 1 scrambled egg, 1 turkey sausage patty, and a sprinkle of cheese. I know this feeling will go away in a little while.  It's not easy getting used to my new tummy.

On the positive side, I'm down 14 pounds since surgery.  Week 1 was a 6 pound loss and week 2 was an 8 pound loss.  People are starting to notice the weight loss which is an awesome thing!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

A very bad day (or should I say 1/2 day)

Yesterday morning was rough...more rough than I could have imagined.  It was the worst battle of mental hunger I have ever had.  We were at a pot luck after church.  I brought my own meal, a Jimmy Dean light breakfast bowl with egg whites, turkey sausage, and potatoes.  So when everyone else started getting their food, hubby heated up my lunch for me.  People sat at the table with their plates full of goodness, and I was content with my first.  I wound up eating a bit too fast and my belly started to hurt, so I got up and walked around.  I wandered into the kitchen....not too smart.  So I wandered back into the hall, food everywhere.  Then the cake got sliced.  Well, that was really, really hard.  I'm a huge carb and sweets junkie, and this became more than I can bear.  It took everything in me not to scream loudly and run out of the room.  Instead I calmly found hubby and told him I was going to go sit upstairs in the office.  Which is exactly what I did.  Once I got up there, I was ok.  I had a magazine to read and just enjoyed the solitude.

Now I know this is mental hunger.  My little stomach was full, and I was not feeling any physical hunger.  I'm still doing my best to teach myself that food is fuel for our bodies, and nothing more.  So many events in our lives are centered around food, and we all see food as a pleasure and social event.  But if you were to get down to the bare bones, food is a necessary element to keep us alive.  To get to that point is a major shift in thinking that is not easy.

My hubby is awesome.  He totally understood what happened and was very supportive.  I was wanting a cup of coffee, so we stopped at dunkin donuts after we left church to get some coffee.  We talked in depth on the way home, and by the time we got home I was totally fine.  We were then able to get some weekly grocery shopping done, and the rest of the day was wonderful.  I don't know what I would do without him.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

11 days 12 pounds

It's been 11 days since surgery, and I've lost 12 pounds in those 11 days.  I'm very happy with those results.  I know it will eventually slow down, but for's great!!  I made my first shake with the PB2 powder.  It was chocolate banana peanut butter shake.  I added plain greek yogurt to it as well.  The peanut butter flavor came through, but not so much the banana and I'll have to tweak the recipe more.  I am going to enjoy experimenting with different flavor combinations on the protein shakes.  We were hoping to make ice cream today, but the bowl has to be in the freezer for 16 to 24 hours, so that won't happen today.  I should have read the directions yesterday!  Oh well.

I have to admit, I'm a bit tired today.  And a little bit sore.  But it's not too bad.  The house is quiet right now, and it's a nice kind of quiet, not the boring quiet I've been experiencing all week.  Hubby and his brother are picking up their dad, my sister-in-law is at the store, and all the kids went to the park (1 block from our house).  The kids are really enjoying having their cousins here.  It's nice to have a house full of people and all the activity, which I think is why it's a nice kind of quiet right now.  I just have to remember to sit and relax and heal.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Results of doc visit

Yesterday was my 1-week post-op doctor visit and nutritionist visit.  Everything went well.  I am cleared to eat soft foods, which is awesome!  The doctor said I am doing good.  I'll go back to work on the 29th, which is exactly 20 days after surgery.  Not bad, eh?  I am also back to driving, which is good.  I drove myself to the appointment and didn't have any problems.  While in the waiting room, I talked to a women who was in my nutrition classes, she was 2 weeks post-op and had a ton of complications.  But she was also back to work, which makes me wonder if doing too much, too soon has contributed to those complications.  Her hospital experience was very different from mine too.  It made me very grateful that I am doing as well as I am.

The doc did say 2 more weeks of no housework, so hubby will have to continue the great job he's been doing with doing the housework solo.  We are doing our best to get the kids to help out more, which isn't easy.  It is hard to see laundry and other stuff that needs to be done and not do it.

The ice-cream maker arrived yesterday.  I found some great protein ice cream recipes on Shelly's blog (  Hubby and I are both looking forward to making homemade ice cream.  We have relatives staying with us this weekend, and we are hoping to try it out then.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

1 week post op

Walk and sip, walk and sip, walk and sip.  that needs to be my new theme.  I took 2 walks today, one for 7 minutes (0.20 miles) and one for 10 minutes (0.27 miles).  Tomorrow I'll be out for my doc appointment, but I hope to get one walk in for the morning and one for early evening.  I'm doing my best to remember to sip, but it's not easy.  I've been cross-stitching today, and I'm trying to remember to take a sip at the end of each row I stitch.  Even now I'm not done sipping, but I need to stop sipping for 1/2 hour so I can have my protein shake before bed.  Sipping and protein are the most important for me right now.

I'm looking forward to seeing the doc tomorrow.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Lots of Flowers

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers.  I LOVE flowers!!  A girl feels very special when she gets flowers.

I got flowers from hubby and my oldest daughter:

I got flowers from my best friend, boog:

Flowers from my mother-in-law and father-in-law:

Flowers from hubby's office:
And Flowers from my office:

Tomorrow is 1 week

Tomorrow is 1 week since surgery.  I'm down to 339 pounds and adjusting to the new way of eating.  Wednesday is my follow-up doc appointment, so I will have more info about the next stage in my diet and when I can go back to work.  I don't have the "I've been hit by a truck" feeling anymore, which is a good thing.  I'll be happy to move on to soft foods, although the puree that hubby has been making for me is awesome!!  For lunch I'm going to puree more of the white chicken chili he made last night.  It is really good!!!  I'm so lucky to have such a supportive husband.  He is just incredible.  I love him so much and I am so lucky to have him.

Friday, September 12, 2014

First full day home

Today was my first full day home.  I got home yesterday about 5:00 pm.  It is good to be home.  I was able to have my first protein shake and do my first bouts of sipping at home.  It was nice to sleep in my own bed.  It was a challenge though to figure out how to sleep.  I'm a stomach sleeper, and it's hard to sleep on your stomach when you have 5 incisions that are healing.  So I figured out how to kinda sleep on my side/back.

I woke up around 8:00...after the hubby and kids left for work/school.  It was weird to wake up to a quiet house, yet nice at the same time.  I was only up once (or was it twice) in the middle of the night to answer the call of mother nature.  I had my first meal of the day, a strawberry creme protein shake.  The premier protein shakes are pretty good, and they are 30g of protein per shake.  My goal is 80 - 120 grams of protein per day.  After the shake I need to wait 30 minutes before I start sipping on liquids.  The goal for liquids is 64 oz per day and that includes the shakes as well as any other liquids.  I had crystal light water until 30 minutes before lunch, then stopped before lunch.  Lunch was a chocolate protein shake.  Once I finished that, it was wait 30 minutes and then back to sipping.  Do you notice the pattern here?  Dinner tonight was yummy.  Hubby made me pureed chicken and mashed potatoes.  I had 1 ounce of each.  It was really tasty.  Then more sipping and I'll end the day with another shake.  So I will definitely get my protein in.

Pain hasn't been too bad today, but I am really taking it easy like I'm supposed to.  It's not easy for me to sit around and do nothing.  but hubby is making sure I take it easy.  He is a most fantastic man and I love him very, very much.  He is wonderful.  I cannot say enough good about him.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Surgery Complete!

Snoopygirl's surgery is over. It took exactly an hour from the first incision. The surgeon said she did extremely well and he is very pleased. Thank you for being here for Lisa on her journey. Stick with her. The best is yet to come!

Snoopygirl's husband

Surgery Day!!!

Today is surgery day!!!  My weight this morning is 341.  Here is a pic:

It's not the best, but it will do for now!

Hubby will post when I'm done!

Thanks for following my journey.  The surgery is the easy part...the hard part comes afterwards.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Less than 24 hours to go

I just got off the phone with the hospital.  I have to arrive at the hospital at 9:30am for an 11:00am surgery.  I am excited!!!

By this time tomorrow I should be in my room and sleeved!!!  yippie!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

2 days to go

I have 2 more days to go.  Prayers were said for me at church and the outpouring of love and support was amazing.  Hubby was pleasantly surprised at how many people offered to come stay with me after I got home from the hospital.  It was amazing.

The joint pain and fatigue are really kicking my ass.  I am so glad I only have 2 days to go and then at least I'll be on good pain meds.  It'll be interesting to find out from the surgeon how soon I can start taking my Crohn's meds again.

Over the weekend we bought my chewable vitamins for after surgery.  Tonight or tomorrow I make out the shopping list for hubby to have my puree-type stuff ready for when I get home.  Hubby and the 2 oldest just worked on getting the living room straightened up a bit, which is a really good thing.

Since I'm off work tomorrow, I don't have to worry about getting ready for the office.  I'll need to get the nail polish off my toes (no nail polish allowed because they check your nail beds for circulation during surgery).  I'll get my clothes ready for both before and after.  I'll hear from the hospital sometime tomorrow afternoon to find out what time I'm scheduled for and what time I'll need to be there.

Friday, September 5, 2014

4 more days

I have 4 more days to go.  Today was my last day at the office.  I decided to take Monday off as a personal day because the joint pain is really getting bad.  So I'll be able to relax on Monday and make sure to have everything ready.  My train buddies and coworkers wished me well, which was nice.

I got my lab results back today and I passed!!!  :-)  Actually, all my labs are normal, and the really good news is that I am not pregnant!  *whew*

Weight-wise, I've been holding steady at 345 this week, which is a good thing.

It's hard to believe it's getting so close.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

6 more days

I have 6 more days to go until surgery.  I printed out the living will and POA information.  Now to fill it all out and get it all signed.  Doing this really makes you think about your mortality.  Now, I'm confident that everything is going to go just fine, but these things are necessary "just in case."  I am strong in my faith and that helps a lot.

I saw a post on regarding what to wear home from surgery.  It was something I really didn't think about, but I'm glad I saw it.  I think I'm going to go with a very loose-fitting shirt, baggy under-britches, and loose shorts.  This way there is nothing pressing on any incision spots.  Another recommendation was to bring a pillow to put between my belly and the seat belt.  I just might do that too.

The fatigue and joint pain are getting a bit worse.  I'll be so happy when I can take the Crohn's meds again.  Walking and typing are getting difficult...which really sucks.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Final Pre-op items

Today was my final pre-op class.  We talked about the 2 week diet that I am currently on.  Then we learned about surgery day and how that will go along with how our hospital stay will go.  I have a lot of information to digest.  I will be in the hospital for 2 or 3 nights.  While in the hospital I will be on a clear liquid diet.  I will be intubated during surgery and may or may not have a catheter.  There is also a chance I will have a drain tube afterwards (for only a little while).  Depending on how things go, I will either be taken to a regular hospital room or ICU.  The whole procedure will be 3 1/2 to 5 hours.  Once I'm home I will be on a puree diet and be doing my protein shakes and that will last until my follow up appointment the following week.  And it goes on from there.

My next stop today was for pre-op testing.  They did an EKG and labs and reviewed all my paperwork and meds.  I got a list of what meds to stop taking and when to stop taking them.  My BP was 110/57 and the EKG looked good.  I still need to do the Living will and POA paperwork, but that will be done by surgery day.  It helps to have a hubby that is a legal secretary.  :-)

The final stop of the day was to my chiropractor's office for a 1 hour massage.  It was awesome.

I am looking forward to this being done and one of those reasons is so I can start taking my Crohn's medications again.  I'm not having huge bowel symptoms, thank goodness, but the fatigue and the joint weakness and pain are starting up.  You know it's bad when you have problems carrying a bag with a small bag of bird seed and grit.

By this time next week, I'll be in my hospital room hooked up to IV's and a pain pump.  I can't believe there are only 7 days to go.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Family Support

Support of family and friends is a good thing.  This weekend we went camping, and although it was hard at times to figure out what I could have (still on the 2-week pre-op diet), I was successful in sticking to the diet.  It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to turn down all the sweets and carbs.

Hubby and I spent some quality time together while the kids were off swimming, which was much needed.  I'm finding that the closer I get to surgery, the more I need reassurance that I am beautiful the way I am right now, and he is great at giving me that.  We also talked about how I'm going to be when I am "more beautiful" and all the wonderful things I'll be able to do that I can't do now.

And on an even more wonderful note, hubby joined Weight Watchers tonight.  He is going to do online and also attend meetings.  I'm really happy that he is going to work on getting himself healthy too.  And we're going to bring the kids right along with us.  It's a journey we will do together.

I can't believe surgery is only 8 days away.....

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Resisting Temptations

Today my team celebrated a birthday by having chocolate cake from Portillo's.  And they had it outside of my cube.  Boy did that smell good!!  But I was a very, very good girl.  I know that is something I can't have, and I declined...even when they offered a "tiny piece".  I know the temptations are going to be out there the rest of my life, and the key is learning how to deal with them.  I can try to control things at home as much as possible, but I can't control things anywhere else.

I am down another pound today, yippie!

13 days to go...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2 weeks till surgery

2 weeks from now I will be having the surgery.  The nervousness is increasing a bit.  I am now at 51 pounds lost.  One of the thoughts that has been going through my head is, "Can I do this on my own?"  And then I thought that maybe it's the jitters talking.

So I went to one of the websites I frequent, and asked those who have been there what their thoughts were.  The stories that they shared were amazing.  They all had similar thoughts, and some of them even postponed the surgery and tried on their own.

One person lost 65 pounds in 1 year on their own, but then gained 84 back, developed sleep apena and type 2 diabetes.  She is now waiting for a surgery date.
Another one lost 178 on their own, but then gained it all back and more.  Now with surgery he is successful.

Another person lost 50 pounds pre-op and started having second thoughts.  But then she realized why she was having the surgery and kept her surgery date.  Her starting weight was 385 pounds, and her surgery weight on May 1, 2013 was 333.  She is now at 166 pounds!  That is 219 pounds total!

The theme from all of them is that the decision is 100% up to the person having the surgery.  But all of them do not regret having it.  I'm sure there are people who regret having it done, but they wouldn't be posting on that type of forum.

I am looking forward to having this done.  I know my life will be so much better.  I will be healthy and able to do all the things I can only dream about right now.  I want to do a 5k.  I want to go hiking.  I want to ride the zip line and hike to Barber's Cliff at LOMC.  I want to go bike riding.  And I can't wait to be able to do all those things!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

food weekend

Well, it was kinda a food weekend.  Yesterday was my in-law's 50th anniversary party.  The food was AWESOME.  We dined on soup, salad, pasta, chicken, pork roast, green beans, carrots, potatoes, and lots of wine!  It was fun.

Today it was the usual Sunday McDonald's for breakfast on our way to church.  Then lunch was White Castle, and we ended with Giordano's pizza for dinner.  I didn't go overboard on what I ate, but it was nice to get in a few of my favorites before starting the pre-op diet tomorrow.

And the it all changes...

A little more than 2 weeks to go.  I am looking forward to it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Beat the first plateau

Another milestone today.  I weighed in at 349, finally breaking the 350 mark.  I was very, very pleased when I got on the scale and saw that number.  The 2 week pre-op diet starts on Monday.  Getting closer and closer.

I'm getting nervous and anxious.  I know I am doing the right thing....doing what I need to do for myself and my family.

I am looking forward to the new me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

3 weeks and counting

Yesterday was 3 weeks till surgery.  This is my final week of the "old" eating plan.  On Monday I start the 2 week pre-op diet.  We went to Sam's last night and bought 2 cases of protein shakes, a pack of high protein frozen meals, a big bag of frozen veggies, and some low sugar greek yogurt.  So that will at least get me started.  Hubby bought a ninja drink maker last week, and he bought frozen fruit, plain greek yogurt, and protein powder.  His goal to make his own shakes and work on this lifestyle change along with me.  Which I think is totally awesome!

I wouldn't be human if I didn't say I was getting a bit nervous.  This is a HUGE step.  I am confident that I will go through everything just fine, and I've done a pretty good job of setting up my support group.

Wow.....3 weeks from today I will be in the hospital, the surgery over, and starting my recovery.  Amazing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

4 weeks till surgery!

I can't believe I only have 4 weeks left until surgery.  In 2 weeks I start the high protein - low carb diet to prepare for surgery.  I see my primary doc tonight, and I have pre-op testing and my final class on Sept 2.

When I think back to January, which is when I started this process, it seems so long ago, and that the time for surgery would never get here.  The closer it gets, the more excited I get.  My whole family is going to be healthier, and I'm really looking forward to that.  It's great now that the kids know, because we talk openly about it and about the changes that are coming.

4 more weeks....

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Random thoughts

It's so freeing now that the kids know about my surgery.  It's nice to not have to hide comments to the hubby and to talk openly about how things will be after surgery.

Food, food everywhere.  Man, you don't realize sometimes how there is food all over the place.  I'm really trying hard to stay on track.  I need to get my A1C down and I need to get myself mentally ready for surgery and the post-op way of life.  I'm back to tracking my food again, which is always an eye-opener for me.  So tonight we get home and everyone has the munchies.  The kids have a candy bar and the hubby has some sugar wafers.  I don't fault any of them for having their snacks, not at all.  Of course, I have the munchies too, but I go to the living room and log onto Facebook.  And what is the first thing I see??  A picture of some delicious cheese danishes.  And then I turn on the TV to watch the news and there is one food commercial after another.  So what do I decide to do???  I decide to be a good girl and cure my munchies at the same time by having a low calorie blueberry Greek yogurt.  Yea me.

BTW, I weighed in this morning and am down 2 pounds....down to 353.  Yippie!!

Sometimes I just have to keep chant like Dorie....Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

All these changes are for the good.  I have to continue to keep my eye on the prize.  My health and more fun with the hubby and kids.  Vacation next year is Myrtle Beach and I'm going to be running and playing in the sand and the waves.  I will be able to really have fun and I can't wait!

Monday, July 28, 2014

We told the Kids

Yesterday morning we told the kids about my surgery.  They are 12, 9, and 7.  The conversation went really well.  I was expecting questions about the surgery itself and risks and things along that nature, but what they were most interested in was what I would be able to eat after surgery.  They were just wonderful.  It feels good now to be able to talk out in the open about the surgery and not worry if they are going to overhear something.

I have just a little over a month to go until surgery.  August 25 starts the special diet.  I'm looking forward to having this over and the next phase of my life begin.  My 7-year-old was talking about the things I'll be able to do "when I'm skinny".  She is so cute.

Monday, July 7, 2014

I Have A Surgery Date!!!

I received a call from the bariatric center today.  Everything came back from my insurance company so we are good to go.  My date is September 9.  I will have my final pre-op class and pre-op testing on September 2.  I am so excited!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Bit of Guilt and Self-Ass Kicking

Following this journey to lose weight and get healthy reminds me of another journey I took about 5 years ago.  That journey was to quit smoking.  I had been "trying" to quit off and on since my son was born (and that was 12 years ago).  I would quit for a while and then go back to it.  Sometimes I would quit for months at a time.  But then I would fall back into it and it would be months or years before I would try again.  Finally about 5 years ago I was ready to quit for good.  My hubby quit as well, so we did it together.  It was hard, but we did it, and now we are at the 5 year mark.  My relationship with food is very similar.

This past weekend I was on vacation up in Wisconsin Dells.  Now I knew going into this that it was going to be food heaven, and I even kinda knew that I would be "falling off the wagon" as far as my eating plan goes.  But my falling off the wagon started about a week before vacation.  I realized today that it's been over 2 weeks since I tracked my food, and that was being half-assed at best.  And once again, my weight hasn't really budged.  I am happy in the fact that I did manage to lose a pound over the weekend, but overall, I'm at yet another plateau.  And it's my own damned fault.

So in sets the guilt and kicking myself in the ass.  And with that comes the lecture I'm giving myself.  We are looking at a September surgery date and it's just about the end of June.  So we are now talking less than 3 months till surgery.  I need to get my ass back on track and stay there.  I need to track my food, EVERY DAY, no matter how good or how bad and make better food choices.  I need to start my nightly walking routine.  I need to get my house in order so that when I do have surgery things are in order and not in chaos.  I need to find that positive attitude I had a month ago and keep the momentum going.  This isn't a matter of IF I have the surgery and IF I succeed, it's a matter of WHEN I have the surgery and WHEN I succeed.  I refuse to stay at 350+ pounds the rest of my life (however short that would be with keeping this weight).  I NEED to lose 200 pounds, and I am the one who has to make this happen.  I know I have the support of my family and friends, but the bottom line is this is up to me.  I am not going to go through all the trouble of having this surgery to have it fail.

So I need to continue to give myself the pep talks, and I need to continue to ask my circle of friends and family to help give me the pep talks.  So please, if I ask for your help, your guidance, your ear while I scream and yell, or your shoulder to cry on, I thank you in advance for providing it.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Weekly update #6

It has been an exciting week.  On Monday I had my yearly physical, just need to do a couple of routine tests and blood work.  Then I go back to see my primary to get all the test results.  On Tuesday I had pre-op class #2.  Yesterday, hubby and I saw the surgeon.  Next step is to get all the paperwork organized and submitted to the insurance company for pre-approval.  It will take the bariatric center about 2 weeks to get it all together (and for the doctor to dictate all his notes) and then submit it.  It usually takes about 4 weeks to hear back from them.

The surgeon also agreed that we are looking at early September for a surgery date. Then I'll be out for 2-3 weeks and then probably work from home for a week or two before starting the commute again.  If the timing goes how I think it will, I will be back to work (from home) just in time for quarter-end, which will make my boss and teammates happy.  Since I'm in finance, I tend to look at things by the quarter, and considering that we are fast approaching the end of Q2, it's amazing to think that by the end of Q3 I will be done with surgery.

While we were waiting to see the surgeon, hubby and I were talking about the foods I will and will not be able to eat after surgery...I think I'll write a whole different post on that cause it'll be a long one.  :-)

I sometime wonder who is reading this blog and what they think about it.  Unless people comment on my posts, I don't know who is reading.  Something happened last night that really helped me to feel good about my support group, especially the ones I don't even realize are rooting for me.  I saw an old friend at her Mom's wake.  We were friends in high school, and I haven't seen her in about 20 years, but we have been friends on Facebook for a while now.  While we were talking she told me that she has been following this blog and is very proud and excited at what I am doing.  I can't begin to describe how good that made me feel.  So to that friend, and you know who you are, I say THANK YOU!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Weekly update #5

Yes, yes, I know, it's been much longer than a week.  Life has been so busy there hasn't been time to write.

I saw the dietitian (Erin) on May 27.  It was my final appointment with her (but I can contact her any time with questions).  We talked about the after surgery guidelines and the special diet I will need to do for the 2 weeks prior to surgery.  The diet will help to shrink the liver by minimizing the amount of sugar (carbohydrates) consumed.  It will be heavy in protein and veggies.  My final class (#4) is going to give me more specific details on this diet.  Then we talked briefly about the post-surgery diet.

I have other goals to strive for as well.  I need to have my added sugar be less than 7 grams per serving.  Since that is added sugar, I don't count the sugar from fresh/frozen fruits/veggies, or whole grains, or milk.  My fiber goals are 3-5 grams per serving and 25 grams per day.

One of my biggest challenges will be not eating and drinking at the same time.  I can't drink for 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after my meal.  Erin did tell me that it will be much easier after surgery because I will wind up vomiting if I drink while I eat.

The really good news - On their scale I lost 5 more pounds!

Next week I see my primary doc on Monday and I have a form for him to fill out to turn in to the bariatric center - and then I have pre-op class #2 on Tuesday.  After that class I will get the call for the appointment with the surgeon.

I asked Erin if she had an idea how much longer till surgery and she is guessing September.  Which is what I was figuring too.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Another milestone...went past the 40 pounds lost mark!

This morning the scale read 357.  Yippie!!!  That now puts me at 41 pounds lost from my highest weight back in November.  Next stop, 50!  I can't wait!!  This is so exciting and motivating.  As I keep this up, I will be in really good shape for surgery.  The more I lose now, the better success the surgery will be.  I am so excited!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Below 360!!

This morning the scale read 359!  Yippie!!!  I can't remember the last time I was below 360.  I am so happy!  Thanks to hubby for helping me to stay focused.  Now I need to add some walking to the routine.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Weekly update #4

Yesterday was my appointment with the Health Psychologist.  He was very nice and the appointment went well.  I lost another 2 1/2 pounds on their scale.  We talked a lot about controlling the "food environment", and keeping in the house the healthy foods and eliminating the unhealthy foods.  He also said that a healthy diet consists of 6 categories of whole foods:  fruits, vegetables (this includes herbs), 100% whole grains, beans, nuts/seeds (unsalted), and lean meat (not cured and no salt).  He also talked about a very interesting sugar and fatty salts are like drugs.  We actually get addicted to them, and eliminating them from our diet is like any other detoxing effort (such as smoking and alcohol).  Very interesting.

Like I said, the appointment went well, and he gave me his clearance for surgery. Now I wait for them to call to set up the appointment with the surgeon.

Hubby and I went to Sam's on Saturday and we bought a case of the Special K protein drinks - chocolate flavor for me, and a bag of protein drink mix for him.  Today is the second day of the Special K shakes and I like them better than the Atkins ones.  We also bought 3 different kinds of protein bars.  Hubby found salmon patties and we had those on Sunday with rice and Brussels sprouts and broccoli.  The kids and the adults LOVED the meal.  In fact, Stinker (our 9 year old daughter) wants Daddy to bring them on Thursday when he chaperons their boat ride field trip.  It's great to have kids that enjoy the healthy food!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Weekly update #3

Yesterday I weighed in at 363, today it was 361.  So if you go with the weekly updates, then no change from last week.

I had pre-op class #1 on Tuesday.  It lasted 1 1/2 hours.  According to their scale I was at 366, which is down 3.5 pounds from 4/9/14.  So that's good.  As long as I show that I'm losing, I'm on the right track.  In the class we covered the Bariatric Surgery program, how to read nutrition labels, and the importance of fiber and water.  We also covered a little on menu planning and shopping and what your plate should look like for each meal.  We ended with how to keep a food & activity log, and was given a boatload of info.  I also have the form that I need to have my primary doctor fill out which is required to submit to the insurance company.

Some of the thoughts that went through my mind during class were.....I don't know how to describe it.  There were 8 of us attending the class, 7 female and 1 male.  2 of the girls were about my size, everyone else was smaller.  And I guess that was what I was pondering about.  The guy was just a little bit larger than my husband, and one of the girls weighed 235 at 5 foot 3 inches tall (I saw her sheet).  My first thought when I saw her weight was, "man, what I wouldn't give to be only 235 pounds!"  But then I was scolding myself because it was like I was judging those people, and I am in no way in a position to judge everyone.  Everyone has their own situation, and their own reasons for wanting/needing to do bariatric surgery. And they wouldn't have been in that room if they didn't meet the criteria for surgery.  So I needed  to just throw those thoughts away and focus on myself and what my needs are with this whole process.

Pre-op class #2 is scheduled for June 10 and pre-op class #3 is scheduled for July 15.

I also started a new group on Facebook called Friends on a Mission.  It's a group of mine and my hubby's friends that are either trying to lose weight or just switch to a healthier lifestyle.  We are going to offer encouragement, recipes, tips for success, etc.  I'm excited about building a group where we support each other.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Down 2 pounds

I'm down 2 pounds from yesterday.  So that's a good thing.  Hubby and I are doing our best to be good and track those calories.  I had to stop at Jewel today with the girls, they wanted ice cream.  So I got SpongeBob Pushups which are 80 calories each and mini ice cream sandwiches which are 90 calories.  I'm going to be reading labels even more than I already have!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Weekly update #2

Today's weigh in was 365, so I'm up 3 pounds from last week.  We had Monkey's birthday party on Saturday, so that might have something to do with it.  I'm doing my best to track food better on, and hubby is tracking his as well.  It makes it so much easier to have someone doing it with you, and we are holding each other accountable for tracking.  So that should help.  It's amazing of how much of an eye opener it is when you track your calories.  We are just beginning, but we will make it a habit, that's for sure.

I'm also starting my sample of protein shakes, and I have a list to the right on this blog to keep track of what I'm trying and how I rate the flavor on a 1-5 scale.  This way, when I am closer to surgery and after surgery, I will already know what I like and don't like since those shakes will become common for me.  So if you have any suggestions on ones I can try, please comment below.

I am making a conscience effort of getting more protein in my diet, which is hard for me, since I'm such a carb lover.  And I'm trying to take it slow so that the lifestyle change sticks.  If I do too much, too soon, I will be more apt to drive myself crazy...or should I say crazier than I already am!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekly update #1

I have decided to try and start to do weekly updates (at least) on Mondays.  Things are going well so far.  I have dropped a few more pounds, so I am now at 36 pounds lost.  Only 4 pounds away from 40!  Yippie!!

I am doing better at resisting second helpings and continuing to make better choices.  I find I do much better at work because I have better control.  I am also finding that I'm not as hungry as I used to be.  All of these things are good.  Baby steps for right now, I must remind myself, baby steps.

I'm looking forward to adding exercise to the plan as I am able.  It's really hard because of all the joint pain and fatigue I have, but again, I must do baby steps with that too.  I'll be happy when the water park opens.  The season pass is sitting there waiting to be used.

Monday, April 14, 2014

A small surprise

So I was out of town with the family over the weekend, and I tried to be "good" with my food choices.  It's not like I was snacking like crazy, cause I wasn't, but there was that cheesecake for dessert Friday night, and my friend's birthday cake Saturday night, and the chocolate dipped peanuts and chocolate cashews on Sunday.  Plus having 2 lunches at Culvers.....anyways, when I hopped on the scale this morning, I fully expected to see that I gained a pound or two from last week.  I was really surprised to discover that I LOST a pound.  A nice small surprise!  I like it!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Surgery recovery and early loss: what nobody tells you but EVERYBODY asks

Secret Agent Sparklekitty, who is on the forum,, posted this the other day.  I thought it was great material and received permission to re-post it here on my blog.  I know I will be referring back to this post many times after surgery.

There's a TON of reading material out there on the pros and con's of each surgery, what to do to prepare, what to eat afterwards, etc. But there a lot of questions that pop up and apparently few surgeons discuss these! So consider this a mini-FAQ of sorts, based on LOTS of posts here over the past year or so, and it may be useful to those soon bound for surgery or those who're in the early days on the losers' bench.
1. You will feel like you've been hit by a tour bus. This is normal. Your body has been through major changes in surgery, and healing takes tons of energy. Plus your entire system has to get used to living on a different number of calories than it has in a long time! Even after the first week or two and you don't completely feel like death warmed over on a cafeteria tray, it's very common to have low energy and feel a little "out of it." Hang in there! It gets better, and most people are back to full speed in a few weeks. In the meantime, don't feel guilty for taking a nap if you need to.
2. Everyone's loss is different-- don't compare yourself. Many people see a big change on the scale in the first week after surgery. Others may gain a pound of two instead. We all come from different medical situations and it's impossible to compare ourselves to others, so there's no point in panicking that you haven't lost X lb in your first week like PosterXYZ and assuming that you're doomed for failure.
3. Your loss will not be consistent. Most people come home from the hospital, lose weight with each daily weigh-in, and then at some point between 3 and 5 weeks out, the scale stops moving for a few days. This is the dreaded "three week stall" and pretty much EVERYBODY goes through it. It is normal, it is healthy, it does not mean that you or your surgery are faulty-- it means that your body is finally saying, "hey, I guess I'd better learn to live on Y number of calories now" and adjusting to everything. Be patient and know you're not alone.
4. You will not feel much restriction, if any, until several weeks post-op. The nerves in your stomach have been cut and can't feel a darn thing, including how much food is in there. Once again, your surgery did not fail because you don't have restriction-- you just need to regrow some body parts! Trying to eat until you "feel full" is dangerous, because you likely won't reach that point and you could wreck havok on your newly-rearranged guts, so be careful!
5. There are many post-op eating plans; follow the one from YOUR doctor. Some people get "mushies" at 1 week out, others wait a month, and there are all sorts of variations on what's OK and not at each "stage" of recovery. Just because you see another poster mention eating 1/2c of yogurt at 2 weeks out means that you should do the same if YOUR surgeon wants you only drinking protein shakes at the 2-week mark. The person who read your medical history and cut into your guts AND went to med school knows better than any random stranger out here in Internet-Land.
6. You will probably be hormonal. It's the surgery and it's OK. Our bodies store estrogen in fat cells, and when we lose weight rapidly, we lose the hormones along with it-- leading to the infamous "hormone dump." You may feel cranky, grumpy, snappy, and have mood swings that rival your teenage years... think PMS x 10. Luckily it slows down with your initial weight loss, but this is not a good time to make sudden, big decisions (buying a Jaguar, finding and marrying a hot young pool boy, etc., breaking up with your BFF). And ladies, be prepared for your "monthlies" to go a little wonky, you may find your cycle thrown off or even have a light period that lasts a week or more. If in doubt, call your gyno

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dietitian appointment #1

Today I saw the dietitian.  Her name is Erin.  I really like Erin.  She is very easy to talk to, and I was very comfortable with her.  We talked about my eating habits and I'm doing well and what I need to improve on.  I told her how I realized I was a stress eater, and she gave me ideas to combat that.  She told me that now I need to start counting calories instead of carbs, and I should be consuming 1600 - 1800 calories per day right now pre-surgery.  For the first 6 months after surgery, I will be at 800-1000 calories per day.  When she showed me what the portion size would look like post-surgery, I admit is was frightening to see.  I would be eating many tiny meals about every 4 hours.  After 6 months I will be able to go up to 1200 calories per day.  She told me that I pretty much would be counting calories the rest of my life and as much as a pain in the ass that sounds, I know that is what I have to do.  I know I'm not going to starve, and it's a total change in lifestyle and mindset.

Besides calories, we talked about protein.  I will have to make sure to eat a lot of protein and to eat that first before my veggies and carbs.  Protein will help me retain muscle while losing the fat.  I would like to try tofu, and my hubby says that he has had it and it's not that bad.  I'll look into eating more beans too (the family will love that when it comes to gas department!).  I'm also going to start experimenting with protein shakes now so I can figure out which ones I like.  I'll be drinking more of those as I get closer to surgery and then after surgery.

Another thing we talked about is having a healthy back up plan.  When we have those evenings when neither one of us feels like cooking, we need to have healthy choices on hand (even microwave meals) so that we're not tempted to order in or go out to eat.  As an interesting comparison, Erin said that a peanut butter sandwich would be much healthier than running to McDonald's.  She also that on those occasions we do go out to eat, I should look at the menu online first and plan what I'm going to have.  This way I can compare the calorie counts and go with what is best for me.

We reviewed making sure to drink zero calorie drinks and what all the options are there.
Some of the suggestions for the stress eating were talked about too.  I've already started chewing gum, and am trying to do that more before reaching for a snack.  We talked about healthy snacks to have on hand as well.

Erin also gave the ok for me to start the pre-op classes.  I go to class #1 on May 6.  Then I see the psychologist in the middle of May and I see Erin again at the end of May and on that visit we are going to talk about healthy cooking.  May should be an exciting month!!  And I lost 6 pounds according to their scale!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Upcoming appointment and other stuff

I haven't written in a while because there really hasn't been much to report.  I have hit a plateau and have stayed in the 368-371 range.  That tells me I need to really start to push myself and work harder.  I also really discovered that I am most definitely a stress eater.  Quarter-end was very stressful at work, and I was munching and snacking like crazy.  So I need to really be mindful of that and find other ways to relieve the stress.  I've started carrying gum with me, so when I do feel like snacking, I'm chewing a piece of gum first.  It is helping so far.

I have the appointment with the dietitian on Wednesday, and I'm really interested in what she has to say.  I will share the results of that appointment shortly thereafter.

To those of you who have asked how I'm doing, I say THANK YOU.  It touches me more than you can imagine that you are keeping up with my progress, and are checking this blog on a regular basis.  Please continue to share your thoughts and comments.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Results of labs

I got the results of the lab work and also talked to my primary doc about the results.  I have a vitamin D deficiency, so I have to start taking vitamin D capsules.  One more pill to my regimen.  The good news is that my A1C is down 0.7 points from when it was taken in February.  It is still too high, but at least it is going in the right direction.  We are upping the dose of one of the diabetes meds, so hopefully that along with further weight loss, will continue to bring that number down.  Having the diabetes under control will make healing after surgery that much easier.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

30 pounds!!!

I reached a milestone today!  I got on the scale this morning and it read 368, which means I have now lost 30 pounds!!!!  YIPPIE!!!!  Oh happy day!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Results of First Appointment

The first appointment went well.  The nurse practitioner was really, really nice. We reviewed my history and what I have done thus far in my journey.  She is pleased that I have already started making changes and have lost some weight.  As of today my BMI is 59.98.  I also had some basic bloods tests drawn (CBC, A1C, TSH, Iron, etc, etc.), a total of 12 tests in all.  Thank goodness it was only 6 tubes!!  The vampire was great, she got me in one poke and I barely felt it!

I need 3 green lights before going on to the next phase, one from the nurse practitioner, one from the dietitian, and one from the psychologist.  She (the nurse practitioner) has given her green light.  I see the dietitian on April 9 and the psychologist on May 12.  So more waiting!  :-(

So she told me that in the meantime, I am to keep doing what I'm doing, and improve what I'm doing, and continue to drop the pounds.  I'm really happy to have this appointment behind me, and I'm glad to have dates for the next 2 appointments.

First appointment day

Today is my initial appointment to get this show on the road.  It is with the nurse practitioner.  I am not sure what we will cover but will find out soon.  More later.

Friday, February 21, 2014

down 2 more pounds

I'm now down to 370 so a total of 28 pounds so far.  I'm really happy about that.  12 more days till first appointment (not that I'm counting).

I'm finding that I'm getting fuller faster, and it's getting easier to not go back to seconds.  So that's a great thing!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A trip to Edward

So to make a long story short, I had another heart scare and wound up spending the night in the hospital.  They did a boatload of tests and other than a bit abnormal EKG, everything turned out ok.  I sure hope that after losing all the weight, most of this crap goes away.

I feel like I'm whining all the time because I have so many ailments and many times things turn out to be nothing or be routine.  How to know what is serious and what is not???  The only way is to get it checked out, but man, I get so tired of doctors, hospitals, and tests.  *sigh*

On the plus side, I am now down 25 pounds!  Yippie!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Good News

I got a call from the bariatric center.  My first appointment (with the nurse practitioner) has been moved up to March 5th (from April 11).  I'm excited.  Only a month till the appointment!  I know I still have a long road before getting a surgery date, but I'll be happy to really get things started.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Slowly changing the diet

So I've decided to really start taking the small steps at changing my eating habits to prepare for surgery.  I'm adding more protein and taking out carbs for breakfast and my lunches during the work week are going to be soup and either fruit or yogurt (and then have either fruit or yogurt for an afternoon snack).  I'm finding my appetite is highest in the morning, so I'm going to keep working on breakfast choices and morning snacks.  By doing this in small steps, my goal is to avoid huge cravings and really start the lifestyle change.

One day at a time.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

So I've been spending my lunch hour today looking around on the website  I've been reading posts on the forums for Sleeve patients, patients who live in Illinois, and patients who have a BMI greater than 50.  It's really interesting to read the stories of people who have gone through this.  Several are just like the very beginnings of their journeys.  Some have Crohn's...just like me.  I think this website is going to be very helpful to me as I go through this.  Between that and this blog and the support of my family and friends...I am very, very blessed.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Down 20 pounds

I weighed myself this morning.  I'm at 378, which means I have now lost 20 pounds.  So far, so good.  The more I lose pre-surgery, the better.  My plateau seems to be 350, so it will be interesting when I get to that point.  I sure hope I can finally break that barrier.

I find I keep hoping the doctor's office will call telling me there has been a cancellation and I can get in sooner for that first appointment.  I'm so anxious to really get this started.  April is just so far away...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What is the Sleeve?

So some of you may be wondering:   What exactly is a Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy?  (if you do not like to “hear” about the gory details, then do not read any further).

In very simple terms, the surgery is a minimally invasive surgery that uses only tiny incisions instead of huge cuts on the abdomen.  In this surgery, about 70% of the stomach is removed leaving just a “sleeve” of the stomach left.  The part of the stomach that is removed is the part that makes the hormone that controls hunger, so it serves as an appetite suppressant.  With this surgery, the digestive tract is not re-routed like is done with the bypass.  For those who are extremely obese (BMI 60 and over), it is usually the first step of a 2 step process, the 2nd step being the gastric bypass.  My BMI is right at that border, so we are not sure if I will need the 2nd step or not (oh no, more steps!).  That would be determined a year or two after surgery after we see how well I am doing and how much weight I have lost.

For further info on this procedure:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Steps….lots of steps.  Steps to take till I get a surgery date,  steps to start losing weight now before surgery, and steps to tell more people what I’m up to. 

There are 14 items to check off on my list until surgery is complete.  I have 2 of them done…attended the seminar and submitted the application.  Then I have the appointment with the Nurse Practitioner or Weight Management MD Consult which is scheduled right now for April.  After that I need to see a Registered Dietitian and a Health Psychologist.  After those are done I have Pre-op Class number 1.  Then I have to turn in paperwork from all those steps.  And finally I will have the consultation with the surgeon.  Once that is complete they will submit everything to insurance for pre-approval (which could take up to 4 weeks to get back, if not longer).  While waiting for the insurance approval, I have monthly pre-operative nutrition classes until my surgery date.  Step 11 is to have my chart reviewed (once insurance approval letter is received) and then the surgery is scheduled.  Next the final pre-op class 2 weeks before surgery.  Item 13 is the pre-op testing and medical clearance and then finally step 14 is surgery.  Now, these steps might not occur in this exact order, but it’s still a lot of stuff to get done!!  The list looks long and daunting, but I’m confident it will go by faster than I think it will.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A slight disappointment

So my first appointment towards surgery isn’t until April 11.  It is with the Nutrition Doctor.  I can’t believe it’s 3 months out and that is just to get started.  They do have me on a wait list in case of a cancellation, and I might be able to get in with the nurse practitioner when she comes back from maternity leave in late February.


So in the meantime, I do what I can now to start to drop the pounds.  They say patience is a virtue, and I’m going to need plenty of it!

Primary doc and insurance requirements

I saw my primary doc yesterday afternoon.  His practice is doing a new diabetic clinic on Wednesdays where you not only see the doctor, but also the diabetic educator and diabetic dietician as well.  The visit lasted over an hour, but it was really good.  He was pleased with the news of the upcoming procedure and wants to do everything he can to help me to start to lose weight pre-surgery (which is required anyways).  They also changed around some of my diabetic meds, and the new one can also help with weight loss.  So that’s a good thing too.

I then called my insurance company today to find out their requirements.  Your BMI has to be over 40 (no problems there!) and you have to be under a medically supervised diet for 6 months and have a psychological evaluation (which is required anyways).  But she stressed that these are general guidelines and that they always go on a case by case basis.

It’s gonna be a fun ride!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Results of Seminar

So we are home from the seminar.  It was VERY informative.  One item I found interesting, even though I figured it wouldn't be an option for me anyways, was that the latest data is showing that the Lap Band has a 40% failure rate and that most of the Lap Band surgeries they do nowadays is to REMOVE the Band.  We received info on all 3 procedures and the pros and cons of each.  I was able to talk to the surgeon briefly afterwards and my research was correct....for someone like me, we are looking at the Sleeve procedure.  There is a chance...because my BMI is so high, that the Sleeve would be the first step, and then the bypass done a year or two later.  But a lot of that depends on how much I actually lose with the Sleeve.

My application has been turned in and I should hear from someone within 5 business days.  Meanwhile, I need to call my insurance company to get the specifics of all their requirements.  I know they cover the procedure, but each company has it's own requirements, such as how long other attempts to lose weight were done, and BMI requirements.

So those are my next steps for now.  It'll take 3 to 6 months to do all the necessary items and appointments in order to have the surgery.  So worst-case, it will be July or case it could be April.  Only time will tell.

Today is seminar day!!

Today is the Weight Loss Surgery Seminar at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  What if  they tell me that they can't do anything for me because of the Crohn's?  Although I did read on the internet yesterday that the Sleeve Gastrectomy is the best option for Crohn's patients, so there is hope.  I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 380, which means I've lost 18 pounds since being off the Prednisone.  Not too bad, eh?  I am also trying to be more careful about what I eat, and our whole family is starting to eat healthier.

I wish I could start going to the gym again, but if I can't get through the grocery store without being out of breath and in pain, how the heck am I going to walk the treadmill????  *sigh*

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The cat is out of the bag

Well, I haven’t written in a while because there has been so much going on.  December was a very busy month.  I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that I have Crohn’s disease, and early December was my 3 year follow-up colonoscopy.  Good news is that I have no active disease.  To that I am very grateful.  Then on Dec 20 and Jan 3 I had cataract surgery.  All went well there.  All 3 kids had school music performances in December.   And in between all that throw in Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc., and you get the picture.
I told some people in late November what I was up to with this and the reaction was about what I expected.  They were concerned.  One person had a gastric bypass done a long time ago…maybe 15 years or something along that…and she had major complications.  For one, she almost died on the table.  And for two, she continues to have nutrition problems and other problems.  I tell myself that her surgery was a long, long time ago and things are different now then back then and many improvements have been made.  I have other friends who have had the same procedure and have had no complications and great success.
Today I told my team at work.  The reaction was very supportive, to which I am happy. 

Next Tuesday, the 14th, is the surgery seminar.  It is there that I will learn about the 3 possibilities and meet the surgeon.  I also hope to find out which procedure will be the best for my situation.  I’m looking forward to this part of the journey starting, but I’m scared at the same time.  I will definitely continue to build my support group to help me through all this.  I’m thankful to all my family and friends that support me.