There are many things that are our of our control...yet there are many things that are IN our control. I need to stop worrying about what I can't control and focus on the things I CAN do.
One of those things I started today. I went for my first walk of the year. Yeah, I know, it's April already, we're in the 4th month of the year, what the heck took me so long? The direct answer? I'm lazy. That's right, when it comes to exercise, I'm lazy. And that is something I can control. I can stop being so lazy. So today, during lunch, instead of falling into one of the many excuses I make for why I can't do something, I shut off my pea-brain and went for a walk. I walked 1.11 miles in about 25 minutes. It's not much, but it's a start. My goal is to talk another walk tonight. I need to walk, walk, walk. I need to do those things that I am in control of and work at what I know I need to do. And the main two are exercise and watching what I put in my mouth. Both things that I can control. Will it be easy? Heck no, but it is doable.
I also have many things going on that I can't control, and I have some hard decisions to make. And with lots of soul-searching and prayer, I will be able to go in the right direction for me and my family. Being healthy is way towards the top of the list, and all the rest will fall into place.
Here's to yet another beginning, and to getting to healthy!
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