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Friday, February 27, 2015

Jamming to Guns N Roses

Today's walk on the treadmill was to Guns N Roses.  Good music to listen to while walking.  I did 1.58 miles in 45 minutes.  I got a slow start, but at one point my pace was up to 2.6 mph.  So that's good for me.  It's so good to get exercise.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

it's been a week

It's been slightly over a week since I've been to the gym.  I went today and walked 1.2 miles in 35 minutes.  AND I was able to carry on a conversation with the friend next to me while I was doing it.  I wan't out of breath!  Which is AWESOME!!!

I'm looking forward to the snow and ice melting and being able to walk around the park again on the days I work from home.

Hubby and I ordered a new fitness DVD set called T25.  I'll blog about it after we've tried it out.  I hope it works for us.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Kick in the butt

Well, I wasn't going to go to the gym today because my legs were sore from bowling yesterday.  My friends told me to just go and walk slow...they twisted my arm.  I went and walked 0.89 miles in about 32 minutes.  I had forgotten to grab my headphones, so I just surfed the web while I walked and looked into attractions for the Myrtle Beach vacation we're taking in August.  I found 2 cool tours to possibly do.  Very productive workout all the way around.

My legs are more sore, but that's ok.  :-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Today's workout

I walked 1.72 miles (2.77 km) on the treadmill in 45 minutes while jamming to AC/DC, Metallica, and Bon Jovi.  Today my calves are feeling it.  About 20 minutes in I wanted to quit, but I forced myself to just concentrate on the music and keep going.  I don't feel quite as fantastic as I did yesterday, but I do feel good that I got my butt back down to the gym and stuck to it.

It's easy to quit before you've even started, but once you get started, it's harder to quit.  That's what I've learned today.


Over the last month or so, I have received many compliments.

A girl at my office had moved to another department, so I haven't seen her since before surgery: I saw her at the company holiday party and she didn't recognize me at first; she had to ask another person who I was as she was walking up to me.

Last month we went to a wake for the relative of a friend, and it's been at least 6 months since we saw that friend.  At first he saw hubby and started wondering where I was, but then he realized I was standing with hubby.  He didn't recognize me.

This past Sunday we went to a restaurant we hadn't been to in a long time, and the owner was amazed when she saw me and told me that I looked 20 years younger.

Boy, I sure love those compliments.  It's funny, though, because people aren't sure if they should compliment or not.  If they say, "you look great" there is the underlying thought...."well, not that you didn't look good before".  They don't want the compliment to seem like a slam at the same time.  I know I look different.  I look at the before picture on this blog and I can't believe it's me.  I look at the picture on my work ID and it doesn't look like me.  And yes, when I see those pictures, I sometimes wonder, "wow, you sure were large!"  I know I'm looking better, and I know I look different.  So please, keep those compliments coming.  I love them!!

Thank you all for your ongoing love and support.  I couldn't do this without you.

Monday, February 9, 2015


So to celebrate my 5-month surgiversary (and it was not intentional), I went to the gym at my office for the first time since surgery.  I walked 1.6 miles in 45 minutes.  Once I was able to figure out all the media, I was able to listen to Bon Jovi and Meticalla while I walked.  IT WAS AWESOME!!!!

I forgot how good it feels to get to the gym.

If you haven't been to the gym in a while, drop everything and GO NOW!!!  You won't regret it!!!

Month 5 update

I am very pleased with the 10 pound loss this month.  Being able to lose any weight while being on Prednisone is an accomplishment.  I have another 2 1/2 weeks to go on this drug and then I'm done with it.  Thank goodness.

There have been many other accomplishments this month as well.  I am down to a size 24W (or 26W depending on the make of pants).  My largest was a 34W.  When looking at a picture from my wedding almost 15 years ago, I noticed that I am smaller now than I was when I got married.  In the picture, my hubby was barely able to get his arms around me when we danced, now he can grab his wrists when he wraps his arms around me.  My stomach no longer hits the steering wheel when I drive, which is really nice.  My 7-year-old is very happy that I now have a lap on which she can sit.

I signed up for my first 5K.  I will be walking in the Bubble Run Chicago on May 30 at the Chicagoland Speedway.  I am very excited to be doing my first 5K.  I have formed a team and several friends/family are walking with me.

I joined the fitness center at my office and will be working out there today for the first time since surgery.  Heck, I have a 5K to train for!!  I'm looking forward to getting on the treadmill again.  It'll be interesting to see how well I can do.